
Monday 22 October 2012

standing stones .....

One of the things I most enjoy about the three dimensional aspect of these prints is the way the light plays with the surfaces, teases out the folds and hides in shadows.  This doesn't seem to happen as much with the two dimensions.

I am finishing these off now as they head over to Maleny soon for my little exhibition - or display really.  I will be over there in the street though for two days explaining to the public 'what makes an artist's book' and also doing some demonstrations.  Apparently some of the authors who are in Maleny for the Celebration of Books will be in the street talking to passers by as well, signing their books I imagine and explaining their creative processes.  I enjoy that side of things - explaining the process. Most people have no idea how much work goes into printmaking, nor indeed into artist's books.

Standing Stones .... I like this grouping as a triptych 

couldn't resist some piercing for texture

If any of you are in Maleny over the weekend please come by and say hello - the display runs from Friday this week till about Tuesday next week. I am only going to be there on Saturday and Sunday from about 10am till 2pm - or a little later if people are wandering by and looking interested!

waiting for finishing touches 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jo. Hope they all look good in Maleny Additions.

  2. Aahhhh... so beautiful! Love the earthy colours.

    1. Thank you Robyn. Must say I find it very difficult to leave this earthy palette. It is home to my creative energies - all other exploration seems out of step.

  3. Those standing stones are absolutely stunning Susan - and I love the lines of stitching that support them. Totally totally gorgeous!

  4. Wow - thank you Fiona. A really uplifting comment. x

  5. Each is beautifully unique and appealing. And I love the colors contrasted with the crisp white of the paper.

    1. Thanks Leslie. I am looking forward to doing some stories on different papers though I will always love those crisp whites.

  6. S - what a great title - standing stories of standing stones. Just beautiful work. B

    1. Thanks Barry. Will look forward to doing more prints of the 'stones' soon. Working on some other ideas.

  7. These are wonderful, Susan - I especially love the curved corners - can't wait to see them in the flesh, XX

  8. Thanks Noela - you can see these in the flesh at Maleny Additions. I too love the way the paper curves and then bounces light.

  9. I've just popped over from Fiona's link and I'm so pleased I did. These are absolutely stunning! I so wish I could see this exhibition. All the best, Susan, I'm sure it will be wonderful!


I appreciate your comments - thank you!