
Friday 26 October 2012

black to white .....

Sometimes when in the studio, you just have to laugh out loud. Creative work can sometimes have a completely different result from the one you had in mind.  Over the last couple of days I have been preparing an artist's book - not complete it,  but have it there over the weekend in Maleny to show passersby the processes involved in putting together an artist's book.

I had in mind to do a black book as I had these yummy 'bits' of happenstance into which I thought I would work.  Keep it all black and white, black covers, black ink overlaying the images - dictating what they should be, or at least suggesting to the viewer a storyline.

The more I prepared this book, the more obvious it was to me that in fact it is a white book and that I would be using white ink, graphite and transparent paper into which I could scratch.  Quite a gentle book in fact.  It will be interesting to see if it stays that way!  Once again it is about my sense of place, or belonging.  I seem to have that in the forefront of many of my ideas of late and I think it is because I am now so happily settled in this new home and have been carving out of it a sense of belonging ........  

This will be familiar to those who saw my post on our land and our STEEP stairs and tracks!

Have not really decided on a direction for these images .... hope to be inspired tomorrow.


  1. Big sigh of awe and wistfulness...

  2. Susan... the book is just beautiful... wish I could see it "in person"... but the crystal-clear photos really do offer up all your lovely detail and subtlety... inspiring... black and white, "protagonists," Robert Motherwell said.

    1. Thanks Ann - really love the idea of the 'Protagonists'. May need to borrow that concept some time!

  3. isn't it wonderful when the work takes you by surprise like that? the images are lovely!

    1. Thanks Anca - I do love those serendipitous times in the studio where work actually dictates to you where it is planning to go.

  4. My favourite shades of grey. I love the embossing on stark white. Looking forward to more surprises .....

    1. Thank you Robyn. I was sitting in the street in Maleny yesterday making marks on my pages ..... thinking through what each page was saying. Almost like they were speaking to me. It is a nice way to work sometimes - have no preconception and see where the work takes you......

  5. Beautiful! I'm sighing right along with Jennifer...

    1. Thanks Ersi - I can hear yours and Jennifer's sighs. I am enjoying this little book which seems to be happening with no effort from me.

  6. I love how you can make black...and white (in this case) sing! I could spend hours looking at your beautiful work...

  7. Thanks for the compliment Julie, rather think that this song is happening of its own accord!


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