Many of you know from a post last year, that I collect white porcelain - translucent vessels in particular. Last week three fellow artist's and I had a drive to Redcliffe to visit
Jo St. Baker in her Studio with a mind to viewing it as a possible exhibition space for a group or individually.
While there I could not resist buying two new little additions for my porcelain collection - 'Twits', by artist Josephine Regan. You will see them on the bottom shelf and then watch me play as I try to find a resting space for them among their peers. The truth is, I think 'the twits' will move around the porcelain display often as either I, or visitors, rearrange.
I love how this twit seems to be about to kiss you .... |
This is Jo's Gallery and Studio space. She has a great eye and a contemporary approach which would suit me and my work very well ...... no time to think about it terribly much just yet but I am really interested in seeing if she will stock some of my work there and then maybe organise an exhibition for late next year or the year afterwards - if of course my work is deemed suitable. It is a 'pop up' gallery at present, but I am sure Jo will move from this to another should this building sell.
If you are in the area, this is a fine place to visit. You can see from this photo that an exhibition was in the process of coming down but even if you are there in-between exhibitions, there are lovely things to look at and buy.