
Friday 2 November 2012

one tree talks .....

I have just returned from a happy day exploring wonderful books with Fiona down on Bribie Island.  Cover to Cover was the name of the exhibition and I am still absorbing all that I saw and enjoyed, and will post on that over the next couple of days.

Outside, as we walked towards the car I stopped to photograph this huge gum ..... which without any words necessary, tells us a story of its own .....

Actually I am delighted, but completely surprised that these pictures are focussed as the wind was incredibly gusty and I was taking the photos one handed ...... lucky.  Think I owe the credit to my new little Panasonic Lumix TZ-30 which is so much easier to carry about than my large Canon camera.


  1. Once again nature has taken my breath away. The stories that tree can tell! It boggles the mind and has swept me away into the past with hints of histories not spoken of for millennia...

    1. Absolutely - they seem sooooo much older and wiser than us don't they. With so many stories untold.

  2. Such a great day - and I am super impressed with these photos. I know how hard that wind was blowing! Just gorgeous.

    1. Yep - no one more surprised than me as to how these turned out! Love the detail that this little camera can give.

  3. S - I agree with others - I can see why you would want to do one handed photography in a stiff breeze - that tree has told so many stories through its bark - so many marks from so many events. Thanks for sharing. B

    1. Thanks Barry. So many trees with stories to tell - I think they are artist's in their own right. Certainly nature knows how to paint way more beautifully than most of us.

  4. Just love the photographs - nature always seems to be able to be a better artist than we can ever be.

    1. Thanks Diane - I know what you mean about nature being the finer artist. Sometimes I feel like just giving up the effort and enjoying what nature has to offer instead. Then I could just arm myself with a camera instead of trying to be creative myself. I do think I would miss that creative effort though because every now and then - magic happens. Hope you are continuing to feel better x

  5. Such inspiring shapes and patterns, created in a perfect colour palette. Any of these images would translate into beautiful prints.

    1. Wendy, thank you so much for visiting my blog. I have been having a wonderful wander through yours and am thrilled to see all your gorgeous drawing. Makes me want to get back to mine. So many things always on the go and not enough time. I think the images would make beautiful prints too. I have collected thousands of tree trunk images as they are one of my obsessions, and one day I will certainly do something with them.

  6. These images look like paintings.. heavily textured paintings. lovely textures and shapes coming together for the perfect painting.

    1. thanks Donna - I feel like that too - imagine them translated into paintings. Not sure that I have the talent to do that but they would certainly be glorious. In the mean time, I will just enjoy them photographically. I adore the colours in our australian trees. They seem to be rather dreary grey on mass, but as you move in closely and can see the gorgeous gum colours, the array of greens and purples, blues and pinks ......... ahhhh.

  7. well, these are stunning. the landscape of this gum pulls me right in and shouts australia! australia!

  8. How I love this comment Velma. You are so right - the australian landscape colours encapsulated in this trunk. I can see all those same colours in the outback soils in various intensities. Delicious.


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