
Friday 23 November 2012

art or pond scum .....

Every now and then it is completely apparent why people generally find their artistic friends a little odd!  A case in point is these photos of pond scum ......  with which I am totally entranced.  I wish I could make images as gorgeous as these.  And yet, to most passers by, enjoying the glorious day at the beach I am just a mad woman bent down over pond scum taking photos instead of enjoying the ocean delights.

In the eye of the beholder.

I have been back from Sydney almost a week and have been too frantic to think creatively, let alone create.  Hence these pond scum photos just to say hello, I am still here and next week will be back in the studio and back to my blog.  Hope you are all well and not too stressed with the all too rapid approach of next year.


  1. ha! when I first read the title of this post I immediately thought by 'pond scum' you might be talking about damien hirst (and co) .... (ie - is what he does art or pond scum?)..... now that I see your lovely pics I really shouldn't make 'pond scum' a derogatory term....

    1. I had such a giggle at this comment ..... made me remember that 'pond scum' is often used in a very derogatory sense. Was not thinking of this as I was capturing the delicious images.

  2. Love your pond scum - so beautiful.

    1. Hello Carol. glad you loved my pond scum. Am hoping you manage to get into The Studio to see all the magnificent Artist's book assembled there.

  3. Hello to you.
    I agree, what beauty there is if only we allow ourselves to just look, really look.
    I look forward to seeing what you'll be working on in the studio.
    I continue to make progress and have been busy making our Christmas cards.

    Diane. x

    1. Hello Diane. So glad to hear you are making progress - crossing fingers that next year will be a really good one for you. Hope you post on your Christmas cards so we can all have a peek!

  4. These are fascinating photos. When you really look at them they are an exercise in mark making in layers and a direct link to the techniques you use - Print,embossing,translucent papers and scratching,not forgetting the odd drawing mark. A direct connection between eye and brain, I wonder? Ann

    1. I am sure you are right Ann. Thank you for that comment and for seeing that those marks I often capture photographically are the ones I tend to make. I am sure that subconsciously we are just drawn visually towards natural marks or patterns which draw an inner response. I wonder which comes first - the marks we make and then respond to, or those marks we see, and then make in response. maybe it is a combination of both though I would tend to say my 'marks' are made instinctively, but when I see them echoed in nature must admit that they probably sink in subliminally too!

    2. And so it comes full circle ----- The eye of the beholder, the hand, the brain and the technique. At what point, I wonder, do they combine to form a whole. Seeing, recording and treading the path is such an adventure. Ann

  5. You have an eye for beauty and these shots are striking. Pond scum redeemed.

    1. Who ever would have thought - Pond scum redeemed. Love that comment Ersi. Thank you.

  6. Hi Susan- Glad to see that you are back! I love that you noticed all the layers and shadows of the pond scum...not at all strange! I found it interesting that some of the scum seemed to be forming letters(especially your first photo) while others, to me, look like clouds.--Julie

  7. Yes Julie, am sure it was those layers and letter marks that caught my eye initially. Something much have dragged me across from the ocean to the pond scum!


I appreciate your comments - thank you!