
Thursday 4 October 2012

standing stories .....

My dear friend Fiona came up with the idea of calling this series I am working on 'Standing Stories' rather than book totems.  I am completely delighted with the idea as it gives me room to create 'tall stories' and 'short stories' and so forth.

I have had a busy day in the studio working on etching plates and muddling through story concepts.  This is the basic form of a 'story' though I think this lends itself to sewing through the paper - echoing suggestions of landform or tree bark.  Haven't decided yet but printed a few in different arrangements so that I might play once they are dry and ready for sculpting. Printed one with blended colour which has come up well too. 

Too tired to have much to say - the process is very long winded.  But fun.


  1. Beautiful... I love that the stories could be of trees, of grasses, of marks on sand - tall stories or short stories.

    1. Thanks Valerie. I think the scope for me here's enormous. I am really excited by the concept of my standing stories. Need a life time to tell them perhaps.

  2. S-love the idea of short and long and maybe tall stories. The etching and embossing is looking brilliant. B

    1. Hi Barry - yes I think theidea of 'short' stories and 'tall' stories is exactly what I am looking for. Very exciting.

  3. Hi Susan: Thees snippets and close ups are enticing!

  4. Hello Leslie. I am so delighted to have you visit my blog. Your message from yesterday said you had gone front the beginning to the end! I have often visited your blog - don't think I have gone back to your beginning but am certain I would find things to love all the way through. It always gives me joy to find someone on line whose work provokes a deep response, not just a visual one but one that echoes more deeply and I have found your work does that for me.
    I am working away on these stories ..... each one is going to take quite a bit of time in preparing etchings and embossings but once they are all made, I will be happy to spend time printing. I am very excited about the concept.

  5. Lovely 'peaceful' images.
    I like your embosser!

  6. I also like the name Standing Stories..... like sacred standing stones. Etching lends itself to standing stones too.

    1. Thanks Robyn - funny you should talk about standing stones, sacred stones. I did a series of large etchings with standing stones, with early language marking bitten deeply into the plate. I pulled out the plates yesterday as I think I many use them with my 'Standing Stories'. Will post on them if I do!


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