
Monday 15 October 2012

Almost ready .....

It has been a really busy time in the studio and my standing stories are taking shape.  Had a meeting with Sheila from Maleny Additions on Friday, who is promoting me as a book artist during the Maleny Celebration of Books and converting her shopfront into a showcase of my work.  What a privilege. I will be there over the celebration weekend talking about my books and showing various techniques of book making and binding.  I am planning to start a little teaching again next year and so this will be a great opportunity to see what interest is about.

I am quietly excited about these standing stories - all of these are part of my 'short stories' - nothing over about 80cms.  They are all printed with etchings and embossings.  As yet they are not stuck down as I am contemplating a few with stitching.  I prefer the 'keep it simple' principle but I do want to have a play.  After all, these are just the first ideas - plenty more to come.  These are only two of my stories 'Winter' and 'The Seasons' but by the time I exhibit I hope to have my abstract story done, my kite flying and standing stones done.  Depends how time pans out.  The next couple of days I need to dedicate to the printing of my fourty bookplates.  They are due by Friday.

As you can see, I have ventured from my very earthy palette into brighter tones - autumnal and harmonious but still way brighter than I usually work.  Must say I am loving the rich reds and ochres, even the purples.

More work to be done so once again, a post on the run.


  1. I can't tell you how many times I've visited your standing stories in their various posts and left without commenting merely because they take my breath away and render me speechless. To say that they are exquisite doesn't quite reach the level on which they speak to me. They are High Art and I so badly want to see them in read their hear their soak in their textures and colors and lines and....

    Well, let's just say that I like them a lot.

    1. It is a stupid thing really but I can't tell you what your comment meant to me. Thank you Jennifer. X

  2. Susan- These are really so wonderful! I like how you've put them all a forest of stories. I'm glad that you were not shy about using some color..I think they sing! I am really becoming more and more intrigued by the idea of "story". I have a class planned in December about creating printed and stitched "story cloth" and I am still working out the details. Whenever I see your work, it opens my eyes to interpreting the concept of "story" in a whole new way! Thank you for always pushing the limits with your's exciting to see!--Julie

    1. Hi Julie - I am really pleased to read that you find someof my posts helpful. Good to be able to share my journey and know that it can help someone find their steps. The printed and stitched stories you are planning sound wonderful. I will keep my eye on your blog so I can see them.

  3. S- so looking forward to seeing these 'in the flesh' - you really shine through these. B

    1. Thanks Barry. These standing stories give me a chance to sculpt in some meager way - certainly I am loving the three dimensional quality of these prints.


I appreciate your comments - thank you!