
Friday 14 September 2012

the third dance - pas de deux 3

 How delicious to have another collaborative piece to play with.....

Most of you who follow my blog also follow Fiona's and will have read about our Wednesday get together.  A wonderful restorative day leading to a bagful of possibilities.  Thirteen to be precise!  Ah, what will the envelopes contain?  Thirteen different stories, one story told thirteen different ways, letters, surprises ...... who knows.  One thing is certain and that is that each envelope will speak its own mind, or proffer suggestions which we either follow or tweak.  Really, there is one more certainty, and that is that this collaboration is going to be fun and for both of us, more light hearted than our last.

The day began with our choice of papers and then came the decision making in the designing of and preparation of our envelopes.  It is quite different this time as we are both starting with exactly the same structure and what we do with the opportunity each envelope opens up for us will be our own. And exciting.  Do we jump? Do we tip-toe? We both are busy with other commitments and so I suspect we will both be listening to our envelopes' chatter for a while yet.

This morning as visitors left, I pulled out a few threads to see if anything suggested itself for the completion of the envelopes .... some are still to be stitched or secured.  Plenty of choice ..........

This thread, courtesy of Jennifer  (who assures me it is also courtesy of Fiona who needn't have shared the bundle of threads that Jennifer sent her way!) will definitely find its way into the exercise .... not quite black and white but as close as I will get.  Much like this paste paper Fiona had in her stash which I love because it is a warm version of my comfortable black and white.

mmmm another Jennifer thread - reminds me of my scribble writing

is there room here for metal - mica or aluminium?

Well - I am excited and it will be wonderful whilst I am working on projects that I MUST have done before October (a bookplates unbound project and a number of etchings that need to be done in order for me to make some sculptural books I have been working on and need for a display late October) to have something this playful running through the back of my mind.


  1. Need to mop off the keyboard due to all my drooling over your most wondrous envelopes. I just want to jump right into cyberspace and land in your studio to see and touch those papers in person. Alas, I'm too big to fit.

    The Habu threads are yummy, aren't they? And really, Fiona did not have to share, but it's great that she did.

    Now...back to mopping up that drool from all my salivating over your post. Enjoy!

    1. You are such a delight Jennifer ...... your comments are so uplifting and always make me smile, or laugh out loud! what an image - you wiping up the dribble! And yes, I am so aware Fiona didn't have to share which just confirms how special she is - and how special you are for sharing in the first place. Am looking forward to working into all those envelopes .......

  2. mmmm a scrumptious feast for the eyes!

    1. a feast waiting to be eaten ...... looking forward to getting started.

  3. Wow, such luscious items to play with. I feel as if I can reach out and touch all these things laying about your tables....from across the earth! Have fun!!

    1. I think it is going to be an exciting collaboration Patti ...... thirteen little books, thirteen stories ..... not sure yet what will happen with them but the envelopes are a wonderful starting part.

  4. Love the collection of materials - colors and textures are just what I need today. Look forward to seeing what becomes.


I appreciate your comments - thank you!