
Thursday 6 September 2012

marking (making) time .......

I have been unwell - a rotten winter for it really and it seems to have gone on for ages.  This last week the worst and hopefully soon will turn the corner.  I mention this because I am not doing my usual posting, nor have I been feeling like anything creative.  I think this happens to us all when we are unwell and creativity slips out the door.

I have actually kept busy and distracted though and caught up on the 'making' of a couple of  promised bits and pieces that I hadn't made time for previously.  Steve's daughter Karly married Doug, a Scotsman, a few months ago and I have been wanting to make a special wedding book of their day ... something intimate and personal.  This was finally completed - after about eight long days of work beginning with looking through 1300 professional photographs of the wedding and deciding which ones to use.  I also had said, months and months ago that I would make Karly a perspex box for her shells .... something that could sit on the coffee table as an art piece ..... something with room enough to collect more.  The box is lidded rather than sealed as this way more shells can be added.

Both these projects are finished and can be crossed off the 'to do' list.  Some times being ill can be a good thing!

I used a heavyweight Magnani cotton paper - 350 gsm for the pages which have either been embossed or cut into to frame the photos.  I left the pages open until after the book was sewn and then each doubled folio was stuck down.  This meant I used both sides of the paper and it meant a huge amount of measuring and cutting to make sure all the photos were properly framed.  The book is coptic bound with perspex covers and then I also made a perspex slip case which gives a lovely contemporary feel to the book.  Gosh I hope they like it.  They will be up over the weekend staying with us so I will pass it on then.

Hopefully next week will see me more creative in the studio but it has been marvellous to get some of the 'making' completed.


  1. this is stunning susan - they should love it!

    1. thanks Ronnie - I give it to them today so I hope they do!

  2. S-not only good to have them off the to-do list but beautiful pieces that will be cherished by the recipients. Be well and get over your rotten illness. B

  3. Thanks Barry - I certainly hope these items will be cherished.

  4. really beautiful and I am sure they will love the book - what a wonderful present - hope you feel better soon and creativity returns!

    1. Thanks Rosie. Both the box and the book were hugely appreciated which always a thrill. Thank you. I have turned the corner I hope - looking forward toward er weather and some rain to settle all the smoke that ishoveringaround us here in SE Queensland.


I appreciate your comments - thank you!