
Tuesday 31 July 2012

playtime .....

Recently I commented on Barry's blog something to the effect that I was not a great fan of the altered image, but I had really loved a few he had posted.  Barry has published a book on these altered images and it is well worth a look at what he does and how well he does it.  Most of you who visit my blog will know his blog well already.

Many years ago I learnt to work with Adobe Photoshop in a course at The Brisbane Institute of Art, a course for artists rather than technical experts. Truth is I was so amazed at all the filters one could use on photographs and artworks.  A myriad of gorgeous images presented themselves and it was very easy to become addicted to image transformation.  I haven't played with it very much though I have Paper Camera on my phone and am tempted to play every now and then.

These images are of some of my drawing a day sketches and though I haven't applied any filters to them, I have played with the dark and middle range levels and these images are what I arrived at .... an improvement on the originals.  They make interesting photographs but there is not a great deal else I will do with them.  Just needed to have a play!

I really should be doing something more important down here in the studio, and I will, but the playtime has been fun.  Thanks for the idea Barry ....  More important, now that I have re read this I realise that there is nothing really more important than our play time in the studio.


  1. Playtime is SO important - and the results of your playing are beautiful.

  2. We all need a day to play every now and then. It keeps us young...or that's what I tell myself on those days.

    1. Keeps us young and keeps us thinking and creating too ....

  3. your final statement echos exactly what i was going to write! why do we guilt ourselves so?

    1. Artist's are stupid about guilt ...... I should, I ought, etc I think if we stop playing we would shrivel and die! Not literally, but certainly creatively.

  4. They would make fantastic prints! Very large ones, like 20 x 40 inches?

    1. I think you are right - will go back and have a look at the integrity of the images for enlargements ...... quite dramatic when I look afresh! Thanks Ersi.

  5. Regardless of the tools you use to arrive at an image, the choices along the way are personal and a result of your own learning and experience. Your images are entirely indicative of the other work you do, and as evocative as those are.

    1. thanks Jo. I do think that playing around with your own artwork keeps some sort of authenticity and as you say, these still look very much like my work - I have just darkened the darks down to make it more dramatic.

  6. SB - great images - so glad you played - it is fun especially when you manipulate your own work; and thanks for the promo. Go well. B

  7. Thanks Barry. Yes, whether your own artwork, or your own photos it is interesting to see what happens with that extra 'magic' play.

  8. You are right it so important to remember just to 'play' sometimes.


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