The two books are simple - no artistic content but are lovely playthings. Both are small as they are part of the collection which will fit the perspex compartment box I have. This one, pictured above and below, has a greybeard cover and I have used a zercal bookmaking paper with beautiful tengujo paper which I have printed with engraved plates. The paper is so soft and delicious but very slippery to sew.
As is often the case, the photographs of objects can become a thing of beauty themselves and sometimes the photographs are way more beautiful than the object one is photographing.
This book is way more graphic than the first and is made up of remnants of etching proofs and rusted and then white ink printed papers. I have also included some splattered papers and so the whole effect is more sculptural and graphic.
A digital play - just because I can! The shadow reminds me of a butterfly.