
Friday 6 July 2018

26/52 'my little black and white book' and 27/52 'tis not always black and white' ....

The two books are simple - no artistic content but are lovely playthings.  Both are small as they are part of the collection which will fit the perspex compartment box I have.  This one, pictured above and below, has a greybeard cover and I have used a zercal bookmaking paper with beautiful tengujo paper which I have printed with engraved plates.  The paper is so soft and delicious but very slippery to sew.

As is often the case, the photographs of objects can become a thing of beauty themselves and sometimes the photographs are way more beautiful than the object one is photographing.

This book is way more graphic than the first and is made up of remnants of etching proofs and rusted and then white ink printed papers.  I have also included some splattered papers and so the whole effect is more sculptural and graphic.

A digital play - just because I can!  The shadow reminds me of a butterfly.


  1. Hi SB - over half way - what an achievement. You are right about the photos - textures, layers and shadows - art in themselves. Go well, B

    1. Thanks Barry. Yep - over half way though I am very carefully considering my commitment to the year's project in view of the fact that by doing this, I have no time to explore the ideas that have been forming over the last six months.

  2. They are perfect for their time are they not?!? As ever I do love the photographich play as well - but the books themselves shine.

    1. Thanks Fiona. Yes - lovely to have something simple to make while not being able to access the studio easily. Am rethinking project at the moment as I am longing to draw and just don't seem to find time apart from making a book each week!

  3. I like these, they seem lighthearted. Perhaps it's the size, in any case they are very pleasing.

    1. They are lighthearted Velma :-) Sometimes it is just nice to play with paper and not have to be serious about anything more meaningful than the sheer delight in it.

  4. Replies
    1. That comment makes me feel like dancing along with them. thanks Mo.

  5. These are lovely, as are the images.

    1. Thanks Cathryn. It is fun making something and then knowing that the photos you take, no one else has taken as the object doesn't exist for them. Not sure that makes sense. The photography of something you make certainly does realise another creative process and can lead to something quite lovely. Glad you thought so :-)

    2. Always good to play and what a beautiful game.The photos are also part of the game and a really good team player.

  6. Deceptively simple and very effective.

  7. Lovely. Glad I found you!!

  8. The photographs are beautiful. The details that show do send the mind off onto other pathways. Those beautiful lines of chain stitching (if that is what it is called in the world of bookbinding) connecting the gathered pages. That's enough to set me musing.


I appreciate your comments - thank you!